Wednesday 31 July 2013

Artwork : Fear


   "Artwork title : Fear Of Death"



 Reading Material


 fear is an emotion induce by a perceived threat which causes entity to quickly pull far away from it

and usually hide .

to a specific stimulus,such as pain or threat of danger . in short , fear is the ability to recognize danger leading to an urge to cofront it or flee from it . but in extrem cases of fear , a freeze or paralysis response

is possible. some psychologist have suggested that there is only a small set of basic or innate
emotions and that fear is one of them . this hyopthesized set includes such emotion as joy , sadness , fright ,dread , horror, panic , scared , and anger . Fear should be distinguished from the emotion anxiety,
which typically occurs without any certain or immediate external threat


Final Artwork



Artwork title : "Fear Of Death"
Name          : izat shakrinal bin noordin
ID            : 1102702506

Artist Statement :
I choose the topic fear Of Death because i want to bring out the horror or the frightening look . so i decided to use the color black and dark color so it will look more horror . the background is a shadow of grim reaper that i drew in photoshop symbolize a death . the font that is used is called "shlop" which look like a blood flowing .  

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